Basrah University and Misan University on Joint Study

The faculty member in Computer Center, University of Basrah, Mr. Keyan Abdul-Aziz Mutlaq, and the faculty members in Misan University Mr. Hadi Hussein Madhi and Mr. Hassanain Raheem Kareem conducted a joint study on Addressing big data analytics for classification intrusion detection system.

The joint study aimed at improve classification big data intrusion detection system, through applied a genetic algorithm as preprocessing steps for selecting most significant features from entire big network dataset.

It is worth mentioning that the joint study, which published in Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN) which is international journals it is listed in SCOPUS, demonstrating conducting a number of experiments using hybrid model combines of a genetic and SVM algorithms were implemented for classification intrusion from network traffic data. The genetic algorithm is applied to obtain most significant features from network data for handling dimensionality reduction.

The joint study concluded that the results of proposed model are more satisfactory than the existing systems. In future, the researcher will use deep learning algorithm with using more network datasets.

You can review the full study in the link below