Information Technology and Communication Center, University of Basrah held a meeting via the Zoom platform with the assistant deans for scientific affairs and information technology officials in the faculties of our university.
Our university coordinator with the Federal Public Service Council and Director of Information Technology and Communication Center, University of Basrah Kayan Abdul Aziz Mutlaq said that this meeting came in response to the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to sign memoranda of understanding with Iraqi government universities and the Federal Public Service Council for the purpose of hosting electronic tests for applicants for employment within the 2021 budget.
The aim of the meeting is to review the readiness of the university laboratories to host the exam and the technical and technical solutions provided by our center to overcome all obstacles to performing the test in an optimal manner.
The meeting included an explanation of the electronic examination system for the Federal Public Service Council, which will be subject to all applicants for appointments across the country.
This test is part of the employment program launched by the Iraqi government in cooperation with the Federal Service Council, which is a government service window opened by the Iraqi government within its program to reduce unemployment indicators and achieve justice and transparency by obtaining job opportunities.
employment form in the link below